"I can't say enough positive things about Todd Jasper. He is an incredible leader and innovator, with excellent skills and experience in efficient business management, strategic development, and wise investment of limited resources. Todd has an unwavering passion for everything he commits to. He has positive energy and amazing people skills, and I would recommend him to anyone looking for a strong, honest and fair leader with incredible energy and a collaborative working style focussed on positive change. Todd inspires all who work with him."
"I have worked with Todd and he is a passionate and dynamic professional. Would recommend him for anyone who is looking for a quality professional executive."
"Todd is a ‘can do’ person; a person of action. He gets things done. l have great respect for Todd and his work ethic, total professionalism, loyalty and commitment to the organisation he represents, and the cause represented by it. l am very confident in saying that any and all organisations that engage Todd as a philanthropic and not for profit consultant and strategist will be very grateful for having done so."
"I could not have asked for anyone better to work with. Todd has been outstanding not just in the way he has performed his work but as an ethical and caring leader who I have found personally inspiring."
"I've been enormously impressed by [Todd's] strategic approach to complex problems, his outstanding interpersonal skills, and keen understanding of the biomedical research and healthcare sectors... I have enjoyed working with him enormously and am delighted endorse his skills as an executive, particularly in the research, healthcare, and philanthropic sectors."
"I appreciated and respected Todd's passionate commitment to ensuring that every dollar spent was spent wisely and well. This was an important part of our conversations with donors, and provided assurance that philanthropic gifts were respected and valued."
"Todd has the unique ability to see through to the heart or root cause of any situation. He uses this innate skill with poise, determination, integrity and honour. The outcomes realised for those requesting Todd’s help, those he is leading, or those he is mentoring, are extraordinary."
"Todd’s major drive is to deliver outcomes and make an impact, he is not afraid to challenge the status quo and display creativity and insights when addressing/solving complex issues. Todd has a capacity for hard work and an assiduous approach to anything he puts his mind to... From my own experience with NFPs I believe Todd comprehensively understands the NFP sector, and the need for them to operate in an ethical, efficient, transparent and best practice manner, but most of all they need to relentlessly pursue their purpose and deliver outcomes which have an impact."
"Todd designed and delivered volunteer training and induction programs, presented at various educational and awareness forums, led creative and artistic engagement programs for young people... and demonstrated an unwavering commitment to social justice."
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